The Call

The Call

15 years ago the call came.

Newly widowed, poor… broken, afraid of everything, especially the future and everything it now did not hold.  I don’t know how, and I don’t remember who, but the call came. 

“Hey, my friend just lost her husband.  He was in an accident… can you talk to her?”

“Of course.  Can you give me her number?”

So I called her.  I will call her Brittney because unfortunately I can’t remember her name, but I can remember the apartment complex she lived in.  I can remember taking her out to dinner, having several conversations through tears with her.  I remember praying with her.  And though we share very similar details in our tragedies, I still can not remember her name.  I regret now not writing things down, but then I literally couldn’t.

I went to her in laws house, I helped her with her daughter.  I helped her move.  And I scrubbed her shower.  It wasn’t until I was looking down at the Mr.Clean magic eraser that I worked all the way down till it disappeared that I questioned God.

“What am I doing here, why me?”

A simple answer came back “Because you have me.”

For 15 years I have served many others in similar situations, those He has led me to.

So, the call came again, but from Him. 

“Start a ministry to minister to those who have been widowed and others who have faced loss.”

I am taking the hope I have in Jesus, and my desire to serve in faith that people will find Joy in Mourning.

Will you join me? 

To find out more ways to be involved please email

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