I have had the great honor in life of walking alongside many as they have experienced deep loss in their life. This was only since I myself had experienced some of my deepest losses very young and through this journey for the last 16 years I was able to help others navigate through these tumultuous waters, including being widowed at […]
National Widows Day
Today is National Widows day. Part of the mission of Joy in the Mourning is to bring awareness to women who are widowed through death and abandonment. We consider women who are abandoned to also be a part of our sisterhood. They too have experienced deep loss, they too are faced with a future they did not plan […]
One year healed from PTSD
*trigger warning, some graphic details included* I hope my friends and family who have been watching my journey over the last 15 years will take time to read this. It could change your life and others you know. Healed? from PTSD? How is that possible? First, how did it happen? Over 15 years ago I was widowed. My late husband […]
Memorials and Gravestones
Today, two of the women I have an honor of walking in this journey with, this subject came up. Here’s the thing- no one wants to do them. No one thought they would be in the place they would have to do one. What color? What font? What should it say? And the list goes on… Every detail is agony […]
Difference between tough & broken hearts
A couple years ago when I started thinking about starting a nonprofit I was talking to a woman who had one for people whose families had gone through loss. Her last advice to me was to “toughen my heart” because it would be rough. How those words have echoed in mind and how my heart has cried back “No”! My […]
The Call
15 years ago the call came. Newly widowed, poor… broken, afraid of everything, especially the future and everything it now did not hold. I don’t know how, and I don’t remember who, but the call came. “Hey, my friend just lost her husband. He was in an accident… can you talk to her?” “Of course. Can you give me her […]
Losing a Loved one During Covid
When I was widowed at 19, the first person I had a true connection with was my grandfather. He had lost his wife 2 weeks before. It was honestly the one and only times in my life I had a connection with him. I don’t remember everything about our conversations at that time, but I remember the understanding deep down […]